Fat Fridays: But It’s Too Cold Outside – 07.01.2022

All week I’ve opted to use public transport to travel to work. Because I feel the icy wind on my face, I talk myself out of walking. While writing this post, I recognise it is a silly excuse.

The festive period, blended with this ongoing pandemic, led me to spend most of my time indoors. When I was not doing anything productive, I would step into my kitchen and grab a few festive snacks. Well, when I say festive, I’m referring to the foods I tend to be surrounded by during November/December

  • Shortbread biscuits
  • Raspberry puff pastry pieces
  • Brioche with chocolate chips

Hmm, I gather my list isn’t extensive as such – though, I shamefully admit the quantities that I consumed were colossal. This has led to a 7lb weight gain! Shocking, I know, right?

Then this week, as I mentioned earlier, I’ve travelled predominantly by using public transport. Thus, holding on to my 7lbs of fat and not making a real effort to lose it.

I keep muttering that it’s too cold.

But is it? Well, no.

I have warm clothes I can wear daily to get out and walk. Unfortunately, I’m lazy and finding anything to convince myself that I’m making the right decision – though my conscious self is alert and aware it’s detrimental to my health and well-being.

What good is it to stay indoors burning heat and not using any of my free time to burn fat and get back on track?

But it’s too cold outside.

Said the woman who made no effort to do anything to help her lose weight.

A step back

I took a moment to reflect deeply and identify why my drive is low? I found or rather acknowledge that I have deadlines coming up, and the fact that this pandemic has been going on for over two years now is depressing.

I’m not ashamed to admit I feel helpless, and my motivation is low. I guess I want you to remember that no one is perfect, and no life is infallible. I’m human, and though I want to do better and be better, the current situation is a challenge for me.

I have taken steps to remedy my poor choices of food. I have bought fresh fruits and veg – tomato soup! I’m here for that.

Writing this post has also helped; it’s healthy to express thoughts/feelings. Locking them up only causes the likelihood of an implosion to occur.

Remember, there’s more than one person going through it.

Live a healthy life.


Unique Fatso

Published by Unique

I don't write. I create. #EveryHeartbeatCounts

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